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School Uniform

School uniform is worn when children start school full-time. Sweatshirts, cardigans, hoodies and white polo shirts, and white PE t-shirts with our colourful logo on the chest, are available to order online direct from Trophy Textiles in Pool, near Camborne. There is an option to pay for delivery or collect direct...



Sweatshirts - £10.50,

Cardigans - £14.50

Hoodies - £14.00

Polo shirts - £7.50

PE t-shirts - £8.00



  Winter Uniform Summer Uniform
Girls Grey or black skirt/ pinafore or trousers. White polo shirt. School Sweatshirt or hoodie. Black shoes Blue and white checked dress. School sweatshirt, cardigan or hoodie. Black shoes.
Grey or black trousers. White, polo shirt. School sweatshirt or hoodie.
Black shoes.
Grey or black shorts or trousers. White polo shirt. School Sweatshirt or hoodie.
Black shoes.


Children need to wear sensible black shoes in which it is easy to walk and run. High heels are not appropriate and should not be worn. M

What do they wear for P.E.?
At St Ives Infants we encourage children to come to school in their PE kits when they have PE so that they can maximise the time being active instead of getting changed. 
Our school PE kits is dark shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings. A plain or school white PE t-shirt and plimsolls or trainers. Children may also wear a school hoodie or school jumper to keep them warm. 
Nursery children
We encourage our Nursery children to wear school uniform to feel part of school. This is a blue school nursery t-shirt, school jumper, cardigan or hoodie and dark trousers or leggings that they can easily pull up and down when using the toilet. 
For safety reasons, all long hair should be tied back and no jewellery should be worn. 
School bookbags can also be purchased at a cost of £5.50, please speak to the school office or Trophy Textiles about these. 
Please ensure ALL items of clothing are named. Thank you.